Block foam
Block foam

block foam

  • Click to Watch the video "How to modify the thermal blocks".
  • Click to Watch the video “How to insert and remove foam block for MTI furnaces”.
  • block foam

    Porous alumina block is very soft and it can be hand-drilled through easily. quartz (<1200 ✬) or alumina (<1700 ✬) tube to deliver gas into the furnace tube center. For direct delivery of precursor gasses over the heating zone, customer may drill a hole in the alumina block for sticking a 1/4" O.D.To prevent dust-falling issue and ensure a cleaning process, it is suggested to apply a thin layer of alumina adhesive material on the surface of the foam block.Follow manufacturer’s recommendations for disposal.MTI corporation provides the high quality Alumina (Al 2O 3) foam block for high temperature tubing furnaces in universities, companies, and national labs. It comes with the specifications as the following: Warning: Items soaked with Watco may spontaneously catch fire if improperly discarded. Note that fine grit sandpaper requires frequent replacement. If a furniture grade finish is desired oil-sand the wood using 220 and 400 grit wet- dry sandpaper.Wait 15 minutes and wipe off excess with a rag. Allow the Watco to penetrate the wood for 30 minutes, and then reapply to areas that appear dry. Use either a brush or rag apply a liberal coat. The heat will raise the grain and restore the gunwale to its original shape).

    block foam

    If your rails have been severely weathered you will need to purchase a wood cleaner and scrub the gunwales thoroughly with it (hint: if the gunwales are dented, you can boil water, soak rags in the water and place the hot rags on the gunwale. If you sand the undersides of the gunwales, apply a strip of masking tape or move a piece of cardboard along the hull to prevent scratches. To remove gouges, nicks, and grayed wood, start with 80 grit sandpaper and progress through 150 and 220 grits.Do not apply Watco in wet weather or extreme hot or cold temperatures.

    Block foam free#

  • Before applying Watco make certain that the gunwales are clean and free of moisture.
  • Re-oiling is necessary when the gunwales feel rough or appear dry. Repeated testing has convinced us that Watco Exterior Natural is the longest lasting and best performing wood oil available. Gunwales and decks have received three coats of Watco Exterior Natural Oil. Gunwales are subject to more routine abrasion than the other parts, so we oil them – oil penetrates the wood, instead of coating the surface. Northstar Wood Trim: All wood parts are finished with three coats of varnish except gunwales and decks. Use a Philips screwdriver and 3/8” wrench to tighten hardware (hint, turn the wrench and keep the screwdriver stationary and you’ll be less likely to strip the bolt head). Inspect gunwales, yoke, thwarts, seats, drops and decks for loose hardware.
  • Annual Inspection: We recommend you conduct a complete inspection of your Northstar canoe once yearly.
  • If the resin has been abraded away and you can touch substantial cloth (aramid, carbon fiber or innegra) you may need to reseal the cloth with resin.
  • Do not wax your canoe – wax increases friction. Follow instructions on the packaging, and apply whenever water no longer beads on the hull. 303 allows scum, road grime and dead bugs to be wiped off easily.
  • Protect the hull with frequent applications of 303 Protectant, which slows UV damage and keeps the hull clean.
  • Scum should be removed – it increases friction.
  • After paddling, clean your canoe with mild soapy water and a freshwater rinse to prevent scum build up.
  • Taking a little extra time to lift over obstacles prevents abrasion and scratching of the hull.
  • Don’t drag your canoe over sandbars, gravel beds, dead falls, beaver dams or shallow riffles.
  • Never load or enter a canoe on dry land – make sure the canoe is floating.
  • When loading or unloading your canoe always place it parallel to shore in ankle deep water so you can avoid damage while loading it.
  • block foam

    A few simple steps will protect your investment for years of enjoyable paddling. You now have the finest production canoe available.

    Block foam